Saturday, September 4, 2010

The beginning of the end..of my sanity

Hiiiiii. For those few who may not know me I'm Nikki, I'm 25 and happily married to my husband Matt who is 31. We met in 2004 dated briefly, and reconnected in late 2005, started dating again in January 2006, Married in February 2009..and the rest is history.
If you hadn't already guessed by my title, yes I am a stay at home wife, housewife, homemaker, domestic engineer/goddess/diva, maid, slave...whatever you would like to call it.. It can be hard work at times, but it's the best job I've had. I actually enjoy taking care of my husband, and he likes to be taken care of. I don't mind cleaning or doing the dishes or laundry or paying the bills, he hates it all.  I love to cook and he loves to eat, a match made in culinary heaven. I think you get the point.

I love cooking, baking, crafting, photography, music, books, laughing, friends, family(some of them), and of course my amazing husband. I wanted to start this blog as a sort of creative outlet. Somewhere I can post about things I love, or hate..if I'm in that kind of mood.

So enough about that. I just decided to return to community college after an almost 3 year hiatus. I thought I'd get myself out of the house for a few days a week and take classes I would actually enjoy. So I enrolled in Digital Photography and a Theater Costume Craft class. I started classes on Tuesday so I thought I'd finally start this thing too now that I might actually have something to talk about.. So far I'm enjoying both classes. I had already taken classes with my theater professor and she remembered me, so that was a plus. It looks like there will be a lot of sewing going on, which I am excited and nervous about.. I know how to sew, just not the greatest but this will give me a chance to learn and improve so I'm excited about that. My photography professor is a younger working photographer, which I really like! I was totally afraid that we would get stuck with an old fuddyduddy haha. I am really looking forward to learning more about photography as I love to take photos, but really have no clue how to get the full potential out of my camera just yet. I have a Nikon D3000 DSLR that I got for Christmas last year, and it does take amazing photos, I just know they can be so much better once I figure out what I am actually doing with it.
So we haven't had any assignments yet but I started playing around with the manual functions on the camera. Since I was early to meet a friend in Huntington Beach I stopped along PCH to try out some photos in the manual settings..These were my favorites. Enjoy!

*The only edits I made to this 
one was iPhoto's Effect Boost 

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